Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kate Mulligan's Report on the VSB Vote to Close Garibaldi

Good Evening All,

Tonight I attended the VSB Board Meeting where trustees voted on the proposed closure of Garibaldi Annex. The motion was amended for trustees to vote on providing the community and stakeholders until March 20th, 2008 to come up with a viable, sustainable options for Garibaldi to continue operations. This will be evaluated based on the current criteria for program assessment.

During discussions tonight, Trustee Sharon Gregson voiced concern for the 21 day process regarding closures and asked the Board to consider a motion for district management to review the policy set out by the VSB. The board agreed to this.

In addition she spoke to the process for this collaborative committee, asking for district management to provide resourcing/funding for this process. She asked that management provide a liaison and staff along with meeting space for the community during this process.

In addition, Allen Wong, indicated that he supported her comments and added that he has concern that the percentage of students living in the catchments is almost unchanged whereas the number of children attending pubic school within the catchment has significantly declined.

Unfortuately, Trustee Blackey was not at the meeting (he was the first to suggest the amendment). Don Lee did not comment on the process or in fact on any other point regarding Garibaldi.

I would let you all know exactly who voted for the amendment, but it happenned too fast for me to write it down.
Shane Simpson, the MLA for Vancouver Hastings, was present and later gave an interview along with myself to media.

In addition the teachers and administration were present.

I think we have a lot of work ahead of us. There are many opportunities for the community to get involved beyond immediate Garibaldi Stakeholders. I think we need to think of this as an educational excercise for the Board and VSB. This is the time that the community can have input as to what program delivery means within our community. We need to tell the VSB that:
  • It is not acceptable to comprise education delivery to meet financial targets
  • The VSB should be advocating for the quality of our education system to the Ministry
  • Parents and stakeholders should have a say in the delivery of education in Vancouver
  • Equal education for all children no matter their parents capabilities to provide opportunities
  • Balanced program delivery in each catchment
  • pre-school learning available to all children
  • Community schools

It is important to remember that it is up to us to work at electing the right individuals to improve education for children. We also should be involved in our child's education, whether it be reading to them at home or helping out in our neighbourhood school, to bringing important issues to the Ministry of education. Everything you do for your child's educatoin is a BIG asset.

How can we move forward as a community:

Let's get together in early January 2008!
  • We need community members representing the educational rights of our community to advocate to the Ministry of Education
  • We need parents and stakeholders with ideas as to what they see are needs within the community
  • We need parents and community to pound the pavement

We need to share a common voice!
Please continue to look for more information and updates on this process on our Garibaldi PAC website, blog and forum:

Website: http://www3.telus.net/garibaldi/
Forum: http://garibaldi.freeforums.org/

Information will also be made available on the VSB website regarding the process:


If you would like to get on the committee to look at options, please e-mail myself and the VSB.
Should you like to be on the PAC committee so that your input can be brought forward please e-mail myself.

I would like to thank to date Shane Simpson, MLA Vancouver Hastings, Diane Wilmann and Gary Dobbin from Frog Hollow, Julianna and Steve of the DPAC, Glen Hansman of VESTA, the trustees who advocated on behalf of Garibaldi and the education process, the teachers of Garibaldi and administration, the PAC and parents who have supported us, Outside PACs and parents from other schools who have stood up for community schooling and Erin, Jean Rasmussen and Robin of Canucks Family Place, Jenny for all your translation services, Noel Herron and to all those I missed!

A special thank you to Crystal Hollywood and the parents and community who helped her with the monumental task of flyering the neighbourhood and obtaining 645 signatures on our petition. Thank you to Scott Morgan for all his wonderful website building, blog building and forum building. Thanks to Hal for your advocacy and input into the environmental, community and safety aspects facing Garibaldi students. To Kamal her hard work and contributions.

I know I am missing parents and people that have contributed and entice you to add your own thank yous!

Happy holidays and we will be in touch!!!!

Kate Mulligan


SwL_Wildcat said...

Scott do you have an email address for Kate?

Scott said...

Kate can be reached at kamulligan@aol.com