Monday, December 31, 2007
Save Public Education in Vancouver
A group of citizens concerned about the declining health of the Vancouver school system have started a public letter and invite your support. Visit their link at
Friday, December 21, 2007
PAC Meeting with Dan Marriott, acting Associate Superintendent
Dan Marriott, acting Associate Superintendent (temporarily replacing Tom Grant who is leaving to accept the Superintendent position in Coquitlam), came to Garibaldi to meet with the Parents Advisory Council (PAC) this morning and there was an open dialog regarding the possible closure of Garibaldi. In January Parents will receive further details about options for parents and the VSB conditions for keeping Garibaldi open.
Thanks to Dan for making the trip to meet us and answer our questions.
Thanks to Dan for making the trip to meet us and answer our questions.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Program Interest - Results from the Survey

Fine Arts, French Immersion and Multiuse received the most interest.
Comments from the Survey
Below are comments from the survey (click here if you'd like to do the survey).
Garibaldi is a fantastic community school offers so much more than just K-4 education. Closing the school would be detrimental to the neighbourhood. We moved into the neighbourhood 3 years ago and heard immediately that Garibaldi was going to close, and that it was primarily E.S.L. focused. Our son is now starting French Immersion kindergarten at Hastings. If a compelling program was offered at Garibaldi, F.I., Fine Arts, we'd love to come on home to our small, neighbourhood school.
The fact that Hastings is so huge, with 2 F.I. kindergartens and a huge waitlist demonstrates that the need is here.
The focus on E.S.L. students needs to continue- that's the neighbourhood. But E.S.L or Mandarin immersion could work in cooperation with other programming that would also appeal to the many families who live here whose first language is English.
There is a tremendous opportunity at Garibaldi to build a school that appeals to and celebrates the incredible cultural and linguistic diversity of this neighbourhood.I am very impressed by the daycare program offered by Capilano College. Recently they were approached by The York House private school because they want to have the same kind of program offered for their Kindergarten level. Why not having a publicly funded one?
If I had to choose one of the above programs, I would choose Mandarin Immersion, since there is (as far as I know) only one public school in Vancouver that offers that programI lived 2 blocks from Garibaldi until 2006, but never considered enrolling my kids there due to lack of special programs. I now live at Adanac and Victoria, and still have been unable to find the types of special programming I want for my children, so I'm paying alot of money and spending time in transport to go to Waldorf. Our #1 choice would be Nootka, but at our place on the waiting list we're told it will be probably 4 years to get in. Same story for French Immersion at Hastings or Laura Secord, and might as well forget about Montessori at Tyee. There are obviously many many parents like us who want non-mainstream programs for our kids who don't want to drive to Dickens, Wondertree, etc out west, nor to Waldorf or Windsor House across the bridge. Why can't VSB honour this need and provide it here in the East Side where we live? Garibaldi would be a perfect, intimate, community-based location for any special program. Something along the lines of Nootka, Montessori, Windsor Ho We also visit the playground daily - what a tragedy to lose this space!
We would welcome any preschool/recreational programs as well, which would be ideal for us in this location.
(Submitted by signed Letter of Commitment)Don’t close Garibaldi School!!!!!! Garibaldi is very close to our house and would be convenient. However, my daughter likes the challenge of French Immersion. My younger daughter will start school in 2011, and will go to the same school as my older daughter. Because Garibaldi only goes to grade 4, and there is a four year gap between my kids, it would mean having them in different schools most of the time. If Garibaldi could offer FI and K-7, I would send my daughters there. Our house is surrounded by incredibly busy main streets, so if Garibaldi closes we would choose to enroll our children in the private school within our neighbourhood. This, however, is not our first choice as we as parents both believe in public education, however our children's safety is obviously first, and we would prefer them to not have to cross such busy streets until they are a bit older.
Secondly, we feel that a smaller school best serves the needs of young children. Smaller is always better in education as it easier for students to learn about each other and to be more accountable for their actions, versus being simply "one of the crowd" in a larger school; essentially being anonomous.
Cutbacks are inevitable, but the safety of our children and a positive educational experience are essential. This being said, please reconsider the impact that the closing of Garibaldi will have on our community, our neighbourhood, and our children.We believe in the importance of neighbourhood schools and also feel that Hastings is very big and overwhelming for young children - especially those in K-4. We would love to have an alternative in our neighbourhood. We are interested in French Immersion or a Fine Arts curriculum. But also would support Mandarin Immersion or any of the other programs - even if our daughter did not attend. We would value this in our community. If there was an alternative for french immersion at a smaller, closer school I would love that.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Kate Mulligan's Report on the VSB Vote to Close Garibaldi
Good Evening All,
Tonight I attended the VSB Board Meeting where trustees voted on the proposed closure of Garibaldi Annex. The motion was amended for trustees to vote on providing the community and stakeholders until March 20th, 2008 to come up with a viable, sustainable options for Garibaldi to continue operations. This will be evaluated based on the current criteria for program assessment.
During discussions tonight, Trustee Sharon Gregson voiced concern for the 21 day process regarding closures and asked the Board to consider a motion for district management to review the policy set out by the VSB. The board agreed to this.
In addition she spoke to the process for this collaborative committee, asking for district management to provide resourcing/funding for this process. She asked that management provide a liaison and staff along with meeting space for the community during this process.
In addition, Allen Wong, indicated that he supported her comments and added that he has concern that the percentage of students living in the catchments is almost unchanged whereas the number of children attending pubic school within the catchment has significantly declined.
Unfortuately, Trustee Blackey was not at the meeting (he was the first to suggest the amendment). Don Lee did not comment on the process or in fact on any other point regarding Garibaldi.
I would let you all know exactly who voted for the amendment, but it happenned too fast for me to write it down.
Shane Simpson, the MLA for Vancouver Hastings, was present and later gave an interview along with myself to media.
In addition the teachers and administration were present.
I think we have a lot of work ahead of us. There are many opportunities for the community to get involved beyond immediate Garibaldi Stakeholders. I think we need to think of this as an educational excercise for the Board and VSB. This is the time that the community can have input as to what program delivery means within our community. We need to tell the VSB that:
- It is not acceptable to comprise education delivery to meet financial targets
- The VSB should be advocating for the quality of our education system to the Ministry
- Parents and stakeholders should have a say in the delivery of education in Vancouver
- Equal education for all children no matter their parents capabilities to provide opportunities
- Balanced program delivery in each catchment
- pre-school learning available to all children
- Community schools
It is important to remember that it is up to us to work at electing the right individuals to improve education for children. We also should be involved in our child's education, whether it be reading to them at home or helping out in our neighbourhood school, to bringing important issues to the Ministry of education. Everything you do for your child's educatoin is a BIG asset.
How can we move forward as a community:
Let's get together in early January 2008!
- We need community members representing the educational rights of our community to advocate to the Ministry of Education
- We need parents and stakeholders with ideas as to what they see are needs within the community
- We need parents and community to pound the pavement
We need to share a common voice!Please continue to look for more information and updates on this process on our Garibaldi PAC website, blog and forum:
Information will also be made available on the VSB website regarding the process:
If you would like to get on the committee to look at options, please e-mail myself and the VSB.
Should you like to be on the PAC committee so that your input can be brought forward please e-mail myself.
I would like to thank to date Shane Simpson, MLA Vancouver Hastings, Diane Wilmann and Gary Dobbin from Frog Hollow, Julianna and Steve of the DPAC, Glen Hansman of VESTA, the trustees who advocated on behalf of Garibaldi and the education process, the teachers of Garibaldi and administration, the PAC and parents who have supported us, Outside PACs and parents from other schools who have stood up for community schooling and Erin, Jean Rasmussen and Robin of Canucks Family Place, Jenny for all your translation services, Noel Herron and to all those I missed!
A special thank you to Crystal Hollywood and the parents and community who helped her with the monumental task of flyering the neighbourhood and obtaining 645 signatures on our petition. Thank you to Scott Morgan for all his wonderful website building, blog building and forum building. Thanks to Hal for your advocacy and input into the environmental, community and safety aspects facing Garibaldi students. To Kamal her hard work and contributions.
I know I am missing parents and people that have contributed and entice you to add your own thank yous!
Happy holidays and we will be in touch!!!!
Kate Mulligan
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Notes from tonight's VSB Meeting
Tonight the VSB Trustees, along with Committees II/III, met to listen to delegates' presentations against the possible closure to close Garibaldi. There were eight or nine delegates, covering many aspects of why Garibaldi should stay open. The Trustees decided to amend the motion to allow for the school to stay open if a viable plan to make the school work financially is produced by the end of the 2008 March break. I'll follow up with more details and comments in my next post.
VSB Meeting to hear community feedback Tonight!
Tonight is our last chance to speak to the board of trustees directly. Join us on the free bus trip to the VSB to attend the meeting. The bus leaves in front of the school at 6:15 PM. The meeting is expected to end around 8:30 PM.
Updated list of speakers:
Shane Simpson, MLA
Diane Wilmann, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
Scott Morgan, Parent
Kate Muligan, Parent
Kamal Lal, Parent
Crystal Hollywood, Parent
Halford Milne, Parent
See you there!
Updated list of speakers:
Shane Simpson, MLA
Diane Wilmann, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
Scott Morgan, Parent
Kate Muligan, Parent
Kamal Lal, Parent
Crystal Hollywood, Parent
Halford Milne, Parent
See you there!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Closing east-side schools, Opening west-side schools
From the comments to the Survey post:
"Is it true the school board is actually building a new school on the west side? What are we parents being taken for, a bunch of fools? I, for one, am outraged that the school board has told us the whole story". - Anonymous comment
My response:
Yes, it appears to be true. 20% of east side students are leaving their catchment (compared to 3.5% for west side kids). Most are going to the west side where they perceive the educational experience to be better (not actually true - math marks are about the same and literacy is best in the middle income neighbourhoods). So, we are building schools on the west side and closing down schools on the east side to accommodate those who want be schooled across town. Is this a fair use of our tax dollars, or fair to the east side neighbourhoods that are losing the hearts of their communities?
See the article for additional background:
"Is it true the school board is actually building a new school on the west side? What are we parents being taken for, a bunch of fools? I, for one, am outraged that the school board has told us the whole story". - Anonymous comment
My response:
Yes, it appears to be true. 20% of east side students are leaving their catchment (compared to 3.5% for west side kids). Most are going to the west side where they perceive the educational experience to be better (not actually true - math marks are about the same and literacy is best in the middle income neighbourhoods). So, we are building schools on the west side and closing down schools on the east side to accommodate those who want be schooled across town. Is this a fair use of our tax dollars, or fair to the east side neighbourhoods that are losing the hearts of their communities?
See the article for additional background:
Friday, December 7, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Garibaldi in Today's Vancouver Courier
Naoibh O'Conner, staff writer, for the Vancouver Courier has an article in the Courier about our fight to keep the school open. The article is also on the Courier's website:
The article mentions Crystal Hollywood's petition and this blog. The print edition also has a photograph of Crystal and her son, Cristopher, in front of the school (Cristopher does not look happy that his school is threatened with closure!). The article mentions that the Vancouver Elementary School Teachers Association (VESTA) has arranged for a bus to drive anyone interested in attending the VSB committee meeting on December 12. The bus leaves at 6:15 PM from in front of the school at 1025 Slocan Street. At the meeting the committee will be hearing arguments from the public on why the school should remain open. If you'd like to speak, please call Lois Schack of the VSB at 604-713-5019 to register.
So far registered to speak are:
The article mentions Crystal Hollywood's petition and this blog. The print edition also has a photograph of Crystal and her son, Cristopher, in front of the school (Cristopher does not look happy that his school is threatened with closure!). The article mentions that the Vancouver Elementary School Teachers Association (VESTA) has arranged for a bus to drive anyone interested in attending the VSB committee meeting on December 12. The bus leaves at 6:15 PM from in front of the school at 1025 Slocan Street. At the meeting the committee will be hearing arguments from the public on why the school should remain open. If you'd like to speak, please call Lois Schack of the VSB at 604-713-5019 to register.
So far registered to speak are:
- Shane Simpson, MLA Vancouver-Hastings
- Diane Wilmann, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
- Scott Morgan, Parent
Monday, December 3, 2007
Petition Update
Crystal mentioned that over 600 people have now signed the petition. If you haven't yet and would like to, you can sign at the office at 1025 Slocan Street during school hours or by contacting Crystal at
Flyer No. 2 and Letter of Commitment
Kate, Hal, Keanna and I met last night to review Crystal's new flyer and Letter of Commitment. With the Letter of Commitment we are attempting to survey the Nelson/Garibaldi catchment east of Nanaimo to determine how many children would attend Garibaldi in the next few years should the programs they require be offered at Garibaldi. These questions are motivated by the knowledge that 154 students living in the catchment are leaving for programs elsewhere and that, anecdotally, we see many babies born to the many young families that have moved into the area in the last few years. The answers to these questions will help justify keeping Garibaldi open and offering programs the neighbourhood requires. The flyer and the Letter of Commitment are available for download from our website:
We will attempt to deliver the survey to each house in the catchment east of Nanaimo over the next week. If you don't receive one, please download it and deliver your completed survey to Garibaldi School at 1025 Slocan Street.
We will attempt to deliver the survey to each house in the catchment east of Nanaimo over the next week. If you don't receive one, please download it and deliver your completed survey to Garibaldi School at 1025 Slocan Street.
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