Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 12 Action Committee Outcomes

Last night the Action Committee (open to anyone) met at the school to discuss a few more options, present the decision process and choose committee members.

The committee members and agenda follow. This information, plus the time line, can be downloaded in spreadsheet form from here.

Garibaldi Action Committee Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed Decription of Role
Additional Support
Committee Coordination Hal Milne Committee Members Community, FH, Randi - CUPE, Committee VSB, Community To include facilitating meetings, working with committee members, liaising with VSB

Frog Hollow Representation Gary Dobbin FH Staff Randi - CUPE, FH, VSB, Community Community To ensure that Frog Hollow's plan integrates successfully with proposed enhancement, to provide guidance in our overall plan and so that FH is engaged and informed
Survey Preparation: Robin - PIE
Media Outreach Rick Committee, Randi - CUPE, VESTA, DPAC, Shane Simpson Randi - CUPE, FH, VSB, Community Community, VSB, Ministry of Ed To inform media and Community, VSB + Ministry through media about the success stories of Garibaldi, the emphasize the good work being done by the Community and to advocate for non-closure
cheryl taylor lee - flyers
Integrated Proposal Preparation Diane Wilman Committee, Randi - CUPE VSB, COPE Trustees, Noel Community, VSB, Media To draft the final proposal to be presented to the Trustee with the help of the Decision Review Committee, and outside consultants

Advocacy Kate Kate, FH, Randi - CUPE, ? Randi- CUPE, FH, Community, Committee, DPAC, VESTA VSB, Ministry, MLA, DPAC, VESTA To ensure all levels of government, the VSB Board of Trustees are aware and are felling pressure regarding community concerns surrounding the closure of Garibaldi
Advocacy: Vivian
Community Coordination Crystal Committee, Community, Randi - CUPE Community, FH, Randi -CUPE, Committee Community, VSB Engagement and coordination of community in Volunteer roles for flyer distribution, signage, working on events, etc.
Kirsten - 732-7355 (Survey)
Event Planning Mika Those accountable for proposals VSB Committee, Community Plan community event to facilitate media exposure to gain awaremess of the Garibaldi situation and to engage the community in being part of a wonderful Community space
Event planning: Kamal/Terri Bishop
Approved Enhancement to Proposal Liaison Seanna/Kate/Meaghan Those accountable for proposal VSB, Community, CUPE, FH Community, VSB, To provide guidance and coordination to enhace the integrated plan being prepared, to provide updates pertanent to the success of the integrated plan around special programming

Asian Community Liaison Sharon/Leanna Committee, Community, Randi - CUPE Community, FH, Randi -CUPE, Committee Community, VSB To share information, gather insights and suggestions towards the enhancement of the integrated plan

Secretary Rebecca Committee Committee Community, VSB To record events, action and deliverables of both committees

Garibaldi Program Working Committee Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed
Parent 1 Hal PAC FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Parent 2 Kamal PAC FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Frog Hollow Representative Diane Wilman FH FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Frog Hollow Representative Gary Dobbin FH FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Community Member 1 Nora TBD FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Community Member 2 Cheryl Taylor Lee TBD FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community
Facilitator Scott Program Decision Committee FH, Cupe, Proposal Groups, VSB Garibaldi Action Committee, Community

Garibaldi Review Committee Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed
Distritc Management VSB - Facilities TBD TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
Distritc Management VSB - Finance and Administration TBD TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
District Management VSB - Learning Services TBD TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
Parent 1 Kate TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
Parent 2 Seanna TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
School Staff TBD TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees
School Staff TBD TBD TBD Community, VSB Board of Trustees

February 12 2008 Garibaldi Action Community Meeting Agenda

1 Acknowledgement of community process 5 minutes
2 Matrix 10 minutes
3 Timeline 10 minutes
4 Stakeholder presentations 30 minutes
5 Formation of committee 10 minutes
6 Volunteer Recruitment 10 minutes

7 Event Planning -Working Group Recruitment 10 minutes
8 Other business/working groups 35 minutes

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